lunes, febrero 05, 2007

Que pasa con algunos grandes nombres de la Teoria General de los Sistemas

Buscando información de John P. van Gigch, quien escribió una gran cantidad de títulos de la Teoría General de los Sistemas (TGS), encuentro no existe en Wikipedia!. Si no existe en Wikipedia, no existe?. Estoy colectando información para ver si finalmente lo subo. En Wikipedia hacen referencias a el cuando se habla de Metadecisions y Metamodeling, pero no esta!. Loco no?.

Incluso escribió un estudio sobre la evolución de la tecnología en un país en desarrollo: Argentina. Será por eso que no está ?

Pero investigando que paso con Gigch, apareció, obviamente, muchísima información también Charles François . Que a parte de haber creado una gran cantidad de material del tema en cuestión (incluso una enciclopedia muy pero muy reconocida), fundo asociaciones en Bélgica, Argentina y otros países de Latinoamérica. Están por todos lados en Internet, pero no están en Wikipedia.

Que pasa con la Teoría General de los Sistemas, no es atractiva?, es por eso que nos la pasamos resolviendo cuestiones puntuales y terminamos rompiendo el resto de los elementos del sistema ?, es que es poco sexy?, indudablemente sí.

Los conceptos sistémicos tienen un problema parecen triviales, pero que difícil es ver que realmente se desplieguen enfoques resolución de problemas teniendo en cuenta la totalidad sistémica. Fácil de decir, difícil de hacer.

Ver por favor los comentarios a esta nota si se quiere obtener mas información de la TGS, primero de van Gigch, pero luego (no por orden de importancia, sino por orden de aparición del problema) a Charles François.

Esta no es una critica a Wikipedia, es una critica al desinterés evidente en estos temas. Espero poder recuperar información suficiente para corregir la omisión cuanto antes.

9 comentarios:

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Lo que estoy investigando:

John P. van Gigch's main research interests center around the application of the Theory of Science and the Philosophy of Science to the Social Sciences and the Science of Management. He is the author of several systems texts: Applied General Systems Theory, Teoria General de Sistemas, Decision-Making About Decision-Making, and System Design Modeling and Metamodeling. He serves on the editorial board of several international management and system journals including: Systems Reserach and Behavioral Science, Systemic Practice and Action Research, Human Systems Management and the International Journal of Systems Studies. The importance of van gigch's contributions to Systems Science Justified their inclusion in Charles Francois's Int. Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics, K-G Saur, Munich 1997, and in The Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Sponsored by Unesco-EOLSS. (Extracted from book Metadecisions: Rehabilitating Epistemology (Contemporary Systems Thinking).

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Entradas en

System Design Modeling and Metamodeling (The Language of Science) by John P. Van Gigch, J. P. Van Gigch, and John P. Van Gigch (Hardcover - Mar 8, 2006)

Using Systems Analysis to Implement Cost-Effectiveness and Program Budgeting in Education by John P. Van Gigch and Richard E. Hill (Paperback - Jun 1971)

Wisdom, Knowledge, and Management:: A Critique and Analysis of Churchman's Systems Approach (C. West Churchman's Legacy and Related Works) by J. McIntyre-Mills and John P. van Gigch (Hardcover - Nov 30, 2006)

Metadecisions: Rehabilitating Epistemology (Contemporary Systems Thinking) by John P. van Gigch (Hardcover - Jan 31, 2003

Applied General Systems Theory by John P. Van Gigch (Hardcover - April 1978)

From Cancerland to LaLaLand: Spring of My Bittersweet Rebirth by John P. Van Gigch and Jerry J. Zarriello (Paperback - Oct 1, 1999)

Applying the metasystems pardigm to improve our knowledge about knowledge (Working paper) by John P Van Gigch (Unknown Binding - 1985)

Metadecisions by John P./ Churchman, C. West ( Van Gigch (Paperback - 2003)

Modeling, metamodeling, and taxonomy of systems failures (Working paper) by John P Van Gigch (Unknown Binding - 1985)

Research methodology by John P Van Gigch (Unknown Binding - 1982)

Research methodology notes by John P Van Gigch (Unknown Binding - 1979)

Systems analysis: Principles, methods and issues by John P Van Gigch (Unknown Binding - 1971)

Systems design: Modeling & metamodeling by John P Van Gigch (Unknown Binding - 1988)

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A Special Integration Group (SIG) of the
International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS)
originally SGSR, Society for General Systems Research.



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Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Institute for exponential dijo...

Origin and Purpose of the ISSS

The International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) is among the first and oldest organizations devoted to interdisciplinary inquiry into the nature of complex systems, and remains perhaps the most broadly inclusive. The Society was initially conceived in 1954 at the Stanford Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences by Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Kenneth Boulding, Ralph Gerard, and Anatol Rapoport. In collaboration with James Grier Miller, it was formally established as an affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1956. Originally founded as the Society for General Systems Research, the society adopted its current name in 1988 to reflect its broadening scope (see Note on History of SGSR/ISSS).

The initial purpose of the society was "to encourage the development of theoretical systems which are applicable to more than one of the traditional departments of knowledge," with the following principal aims:

to investigate the isomorphy of concepts, laws, and models in various fields, and to help in useful transfers from one field to another;
to encourage the development of adequate theoretical models in areas which lack them;
to eliminate the duplication of theoretical efforts in different fields; and
to promote the unity of science through improving the communication among specialists.
In the intervening years, the ISSS has expanded its scope beyond purely theoretical and technical considerations to include the practical application of systems methodologies to problem solving. Even more importantly, it has provided a forum where scholars and practitioners from across the disciplinary spectrum, representing academic, business, government, and non-profit communities, can come together to share ideas and learn from one another.

See more at:

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Me fui a investigar a Charles Francois, que lo conocí en Argentina como presidente del capitulo argentino de la ISSS (antes Sociedad para la Investigación de la Teoría General de los Systemas).

aqui el link y luego una intro.

Charles François is a Belgian citizen, born 1922 and retired from the Belgian Foreign Service since 1987. He was educated in Belgium and lived in Central Africa from 1945 to 1960, first as an administrative officer and later on as owner of his own business. His first contact with Cybernetics was in 1952 through Wiener's foundational 1948 work on Cybernetics.

In 1958 he became a member of the former Society for General Systems Research (Now ISSS). Participant from 1970 on in numerous Meetings of various Systems and Cybernetics Societies, he is also a member of the board of some of them, and integrates the editorial board of various journals on Systems and Cybernetics. Author of numerous papers on systemic topics, he also published in French a book on "Cybernétique et Prospective" (International Association of Cybernetics, Namur, 1976) and an "Introducción a la Prospectiva" in Spanish (Pleamar, Buenos Aires, 1978). In 1985 he published in Spanish his study on "El uso de Modelos Sistémicos-Cibernéticos como metodología científica" (Systemic-Cybernetic Models used as scientific methodology) and in 1986 "Enfoques Sistémicos en el Estudio de las Sociedades" (Systemic Approaches to the Study of Societies).

In 1992, he published his "Diccionario de Teoría Generale de Sistemas y Cibernética" (GESI, Buenos Aires), the first work of its kind in Spanish (475 terms).

François lives in Argentina since 1963 and created the Argentine National Division of the ISSS in 1976, being presently its Honorary President.

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Esto me llevo al GESI, Grupo de Estudios en Sistemas

GESI se interesa en: los autómatas celulares, la autopoiesis, el caos, la cibernética, la cibernética de segundo orden, la clausura organizacional, la complejidad, los controles, la conversación (Pask), la dinámica de sistemas, la criticalidad, el entorno, la epistemología del observador, las estructuras y funciones, los fractales, las interacciones, el juego de la vida (Conway), los modelos, los niveles jerárquicos, la organización, las regulaciones, los sistemas, los sistemas vivientes, los sistemas sociales, los metasistemas, los subsistemas, la termodinámica de los sistemas irreversibles (Prigogine), los valores, etc.

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Grupo de Estudio de Sistemas Integrados (GESI):

GESI se interesa en: los autómatas celulares, la autopoiesis, el caos, la cibernética, la cibernética de segundo orden, la clausura organizacional, la complejidad, los controles, la conversación (Pask), la dinámica de sistemas, la criticalidad, el entorno, la epistemología del observador, las estructuras y funciones, los fractales, las interacciones, el juego de la vida (Conway), los modelos, los niveles jerárquicos, la organización, las regulaciones, los sistemas, los sistemas vivientes, los sistemas sociales, los metasistemas, los subsistemas, la termodinámica de los sistemas irreversibles (Prigogine), los valores, etc.

Nota: Varios de los libros mencionados no están más disponibles en librerías, aunque quizás en Bibliotecas. Los originales en Inglés (I), en Alemán (A), o en Francés (F), pueden hallarse en librerías y/o en Bibliotecas.
Los títulos en negritas son los más significativos. Los marcados con asterisco (*) pueden obtenerse en el GESI
Para más publicaciones introductorias, ver la lista de publicaciones del GESI.

ARACIL, Javier: Introducción a la Dinámica de Sistemas, Alianza, Madrid, 1986

ASHBY, Walter Ross: Introducción a la Cibernética - Nueva Visión 1972 (I) (agotado) (*fotocopia)

BERTALANFFY, Ludwig von: Perspectivas en la teoría general de sistemas. Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1979

BERTALANFFY, Ludwig von: Teoria General de Sistemas - Fondo de Cultura, México, 1986 (I)

BRIGGS, J. & PEAT, F.D.: Espejo y Reflejo: del Caos al Orden Gedisa, Barcelona, 1990 (I)

BUCKLEY, Walter: La Sociología y la Teoría moderna de los Sistemas - Amorrortu, 1970 (I)

CAPRA, Fritjof: Las conexiones ocultas: implicaciones sociales, medioambientales, económicas y biológicas de una nueva visión del mundo. Editorial Anagrama, España, 2003

CAPRA, Fritjof: La trama de la vida: una nueva perspectiva de los sistemas vivos.
España, Editorial Anagrama, 1998

CHECKLAND, Peter: Pensamiento de Sistemas, Práctica de Sistemas - Limusa-Noriega, México 1993 (I)

FORRESTER, Jay: Dinámica Industrial - El Ateneo, Buenos Aires, 1972 (I)

FRANÇOIS, Charles: Introducción a la Prospectiva - Pleamar, Buenos Aires, 1978 *

FRANÇOIS, Charles: Diccionario de Teoría General de Sistemas y Cibernética - GESI, Buenos Aires, 1992 *

GIGCH, John P. van: Teoría General de Sistemas Aplicada - Ed.Trillas, Mexico, 1981

MATURANA, H. & VARELA, F.: El árbol del conocimiento - Edit. Universitaria, Santiago de Chile, 1984

MORIELLO, Sergio, "Inteligencia natural y sintética; una aproximación transdisciplinaria"
Nueva Librería SRL., Buenos Aires, 2005

PRIGOGINE, I & STENGERS, I.: Entre el Tiempo y la Eternidad - Alianza, Madrid, 1990 (F)

RODRIGUEZ DELGADO, Rafael: Teoría de Sistemas y Gestión de las Organizaciones - Instituto Andino de Sistemas, Lima, 1994 *

RODRIGUEZ DELGADO, Rafael: Del Universo al Ser Humano - Mc Graw Hill, Madrid, 1997

ROSNAY, Jöel de: El Macroscopio - Edit. AC, Madrid, 1977 (F)

ROSNAY, Jöel de: El hombre simbiótico - Ediciones Catedra, Madrid, 1995

VENDRYES, Pierre: Hacia la Teoría del Hombre - El Ateneo, Buenos Aires, 1975 (F)*

WIENER, Norberto: Cibernética - Guadiana, Madrid, 1971 (I) (Re-editado por Tusquets, Barcelona, sin fecha)

Todos los títulos citados son importantes. De cada autor, se han elegido los más significativos.
No se repitieron títulos que figuran traducidos en la lista en Castellano.

(A) Original en Alemán
# Existe o existió traducción al Castellano, pero se desconoce la referencia de la editorial.
* Puede obtenerse por intermedio de GESI

ACKOFF, R.L.: The Art of Problem solving - Wiley, New York, 1978

ALLEN, T.F.H. & STARR, T.B.: Hierarchy: Perspectives for Ecological Complexity - Chicago Univ.Press, 1982

ASHBY, W. Ross: Design for a Brain - Wiley, New York, 1951

BANATHY, B. H. & RODRIGUEZ DELGADO, R.: International Systems Science Handbook - Systemic Publications, Madrid, 1993 (Contiene artículos de 36 autores de 17 nacionalidades diferentes) (*)

BATESON, Gregory: Mind and Nature: A necessary Unity - Dutton, New York, 1979 (#)

BUNGE, Mario: Treatise on Basic Philosophy: Vol.4, Ontology II: A World of Systems - Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, 1979

CAPRA, Fritjof: The hidden connections: a science for sustainable living.
London, Harpercollins, 2003

CAPRA, Fritjof: The web of life; a new synthesis of mind and matter.
London, Harpercollins, 1996

CASTI, John: Complexification - Harper Collins, New York, 1994

EIGEN, M. & SCHUSTER, P.: The Hypercycle - Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1979

EMERY, F.E. (Ed.): Systems thinking - Penguin, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1976

ESPEJO, P. & HARNDEN, R.(Eds.): The Viable System Model - Wiley, New York, 1989

ESTEVES de VASCONCELLOS, María José: Pensamento sistêmico, o novo paradigma da ciência. 5 ed. Papirus, Campinas, Sao Paulo, 2006

FOERSTER, Heinz von: Observing Systems - Intersystems Publ., Seaside, CA, 1981

FOERSTER, Heinz von & ZOPF, G.W. (Eds): Principles of self- Organization -Pergamon, New York, 1962

FLOOD, R. & JACKSON, M.: Creative Problem solving: Total System Intervention - Wiley, Chichester, 1991

FRANÇOIS, Charles: International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics - München, KG Saur Verlag 1997

FRANÇOIS, Charles: International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics 2ed.
2 vol. - München, KG Saur-Thomson, 2004

GLASERSFELD, Ernst von: Radical Constructivism: A Way of Knowing and Learning - Palmer Press, London, 1995

HAKEN, Hermann: Synergetics, the Science of Structure - van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1984

KAUFFMAN, Stuart: The Origins of Order - Oxford Univ. Press, 1993

KLIR, George (Ed.): Facets of Systems Science - Plenum Press, New York, 1991

KORZYBSKI, A.: Science and Sanity - Inst. for General Semantics, Lakeville, Connecticut, 1950

LASZLO, Erwin: The New Evolutionary Paradigm - Gordon & Breach, New York, 1991

MANDELBROT, B.: The Fractal Geometry of Nature - Freeman, New York, 1983 (#)

MILLER, James: Living Systems - Mc Graw Hill, New York, 1978

MINATI, Gianfranco: Introduzione alla Cibernetica. Oppi, Milano 1998

MINATI, Gianfranco & COLLEN, Arne: Introduction to Systemics - Eagle Eye Books, Walnut Creek, CA., 1997

NEUMANN, John von: The general and logical Theory of Automata - Simon & Schuster, New York, 1956ODUM, Howard: Systems Ecology: An Introduction - Wiley, New York, 1983

PASK, Gordon: Conversation, Cognition and Learning - Elsevier New York, 1975

SCHIEVE, W.C. & ALLEN, P.N. (Eds): Self-Organization and Dissipative Structures - Univ. of Texas Press, Austin, 1982

SELYE, Hans: The Stress of Life - Mc Graw Hill, New York, 1975

SHANNON, Cl. & WEAVER, W.: The Mathematical Theory of Communication - Univ. of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1949 (#)

THOM, Rene: Structural Stability and Morphogenesis - W.A. Benjamin, Reading, Mass, 1977 (#)

THOMSON, d'Arcy W.: On Growth and Form - Cambridge Univ. Press, London, 1952 (Original 1916)

van GIGCH, John: Applied General Systems Theory - Harper & Row, New York, 1978

WARFIELD, John: A Science of Generic Design - Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa, 1994

WARFIELD, John: An introduction to systems science. World Scientific, Singapore, 2006

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Teoria General de Los Sistemas segun Wikipedia:

Hace referencia a Charles Francois, pero cuando uno va a buscarlo, no esta!.

El texto.

Systems theory is a transdisciplinary/multiperspectual theory that studies structure and properties of systems in terms of relationships from which new properties of wholes emerge.

This gestalt graphic, illustrating a central aspect of systems theory, may be alternatively perceived as a whole or as a group of parts. The "systemness" becomes evident when the gestalt is seen as a singular whole.
It was established as a science by Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Anatol Rapoport, Kenneth E. Boulding, William Ross Ashby, Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson and others in the 1950s, particularly during discussions at the Macy conferences. Systems theory, in its transdisciplinary role, brings together theoretical principles and concepts from ontology, philosophy of science, physics, biology and engineering. Applications are found in numerous fields including geography, sociology, political science, organizational theory, management, psychotherapy (within family systems therapy) and economics among others.
Systems theory was the nomenclature early investigators used to describe organization and interdependence of relationships. The system concept contrasts with the Classical perspective of reductionism which has as its subject a single part in that the emphasis shifts from parts to organization of parts. [1] A system is composed of regularly interacting or interrelating groups of activities/parts which, when taken together, form a new whole. In most cases this whole has properties which cannot be found in the constituent elements.